When he isn't involved in a protest, Luis Rodriguez is working behind the scenes to facilitate more of them. The Action NC organizer started his career as a foreclosure counselor, which often put him between big banks and their customers. He literally saw the foreclosure crisis unravel. Now, he protests big banks. He also helps low-income residents secure safe, affordable housing, and earlier this year he organized a counter-protest at a KKK Rally in Harmony. Not only that, but he finds time to occasionally sing with the choir at his church, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte. With everything Rodriguez has a hand in, we wonder how he finds time to sleep.
Bree Newsome
| Sep 30, 2015
Michael Zytkow
| Oct 1, 2014
Michael Zytkow
| Oct 2, 2013
Occupy Charlotte
| Oct 3, 2012
| Aug 16, 2011
| Aug 16, 2011
United Family Services
| Jul 27, 2010
| Jul 27, 2010
Stop Cliffside Coalition
| Jul 21, 2009
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN)
| Aug 4, 2009
Decker Ngongang
| Sep 9, 2008
Habitat for Humanity
| Jul 18, 2007
Summer Lipford
| Jul 18, 2007
Habitat for Humanity
| Jul 25, 2006