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Lust List 2014: Vanessa



Age: 25

Job: Hip-hop-notic dancer at Suite

Go-to Pickup Line: "I send over a drink and smile."

In high school, Vanessa was voted "biggest flirt." That's no surprise, considering she's all perfect legs and bouncy exuberance, which comes in handy as a go-go dancer at Suite and for various local hip-hop artists. Vanessa, who once moved to Alaska Last Frontier-style to work in a village with a population of about 500, admits that she does consider herself sexy, but insists that dancing makes it necessary to have that view. Her alter ego's name is Nina. She also talks about her nocturnal personality, the uh-oh tattoo of her ex-boyfriend's name and her pet snake. "I guess my hair is the sexiest thing about me, but I'm often told that it's my butt. I have a great butt," she says. She's not wrong; she definitely has a great ass.

Truth or Dare?


This should be easy for you. Show me your sexiest dance move. I'm taking notes.

You'll have to come to Suite to see it, but I can give you a description. It's usually a combination move of touching myself — my face, playing with my hair — a hair toss and then turning around to show off my backside.

Valentine's Day Word Association
Tell us the first word that pops into your head after you hear these Valentine's Day terms.





