Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.
11:46: Dianne Feinstein needs to cut her speech short.
11:48 Rick Warren is about to do the invoccation and I hope he doesn't pray long.
The Lord is one.
I've never heard people cheer during a prayer. There is a first time for everything.
ABC just showed a shot in Selma, Alabama. That was powerful.
11:53: Aretha Franklin is about to sing, she sounds way better than Beyonce!
11:55: Obama will be president in five minutes and I didn't know My Country Tis of The was this long of a song! Joe Biden is about to get sworn in as vice president.
Here it comes, Barack Obama is about to take the oath of office and in two minutes, he will be the President of The United States of America!
12:00 Obama is president. He hasn't taken the oath yet, because there is some odd musical performance going on right now. But by law, he's president.
12:04: It's time for the presidential oath of office. The website has changed and Obama is recognized as the President of the United States. And he did use his middle name. He forgot part of the oath. I can't wait to see what Fox News has to say.
More news that's unrelated to Barack:
The Charlotte Observer says it's snowing. Thanks for the newsflash.
News on the Gaza conflict on NPR.
BofA stock plummets ... again.
Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.
Still watching CNN. I think Dick Cheney is the reason this thing is running behind schedule.
11:29: Anderson Cooper really talks too much. The crowd is chanting Obama. Malia is taking pictures and here comes Michelle Obama and Jill Biden.
Bush looks very somber as he walks down the Capitol steps. Is he sorry that he jacked up this country. And in an hour, he is OUTTA here! Pick up your hat and coat and aleave , Bush. Man, I hope Obama doesn't screw up.
11:33: If I can correct the folk on CNN, South Africa had a black president sooner than we did after they ended Apartiethed. It only took America a 150 years to get one. Here comes Joe Biden as Bush and Cheney make their way to their seats.
That's the last time "Hail to the Chief" will be played for Bush, said Anderson Cooper. Best thing he's said all day.
11:37: Wolf Blitzer said the first Bush is in no pain and he's been walking with a cane since his back surgery 500 years ago. The crowd is going wild for Obama. Barack Obama isn't smiling. That's a first. And by the way, it's still snowing in Charlotte.
Joe Biden is smiling, though. The crowd is waving their flags and it looks like America should. With everyone proud of the red, white and blue. Did you know Obama is the fifth youngest president ever elected. Thanks CNN, I didn't know that either.
In 19 minutes, Obama will be President of the United States of America.
11:42: Here comes Barack Obama. I thought he was going to use his middle name. He was announced as Barack H. Obama.
With every media outlet on everything Obama, we thought it would be prudent to highlight things going on in the world that have nothing to do with the new prez. That said here's a little food news from our resident culinary critic Tricia Childress:
An independent group of restaurants will offer a prix-fixe sampler “Three for $30” from Saturday, January 24 through Friday, January 30. Wine, tax, and gratuity are not included. These restaurants include Ratcliffe on the Green, 435 South Tryon Street, 704-358-9898; Zebra Restaurant and Wine Bar, 4521 Sharon Road, 704-442-9525; Global Restaurant Bar and Lounge, 3520 Toringdon Way, 704-248-0866; Pewter Rose Bistro, 1820 South Boulevard, 704-332-8149; and Lulu, 1911 Central Avenue, 704-376-2242. The eateries are also hosting a contest with $100 gift certificates from each restaurant (no purchase necessary to win).
The Valentine’s menu at Sir Edmond Halley’s, 4151-A Park Road, includes New York Strip au Poivre with pommes frites; Long Stem Artichoke Paella; Roasted Lemon Grouper with pesto potatoes; Roasted Herb Encrusted Pork Tenderloin with lobster bread pudding; Avocado and Goat Cheese Ravioli; and homemade dark chocolate truffles with a frozen Grand Marnier soufflé. $25.00 per person.
A compilation of inaugural coverage on the Internet.
D.C. prostitutes and coke dealers on business spiking for the Inauguration.
A cheaper, less crowded way to view the Inauguration: Google Satellite. (See image below)
Chowbama: Obama-inspired eats, foodies everywhere are clamoring for a piece of the action.
Hop Obama ale is on tap for inauguration.
Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.
Gross! Newt Gingrich! I am so turning on CNN now.
11:06: The VIPs are arriving. CNN says this is the world's Inaugration. There's a Dan Quayle sighting. I wonder if he can spell Obama. Or does he spell it Obamae?
The best thing about this Inaugration is the fact that the Charlotte media can not beat us in the head about the snow! Yay! Back to CNN.
CNN is going to show a shot of the mall from space. They are going to show us TV viewers what it would look like if you were flying in space. In this economy, who can afford that?
11:11: I wish Soledad O'Brien would shut up. Anderson Cooper can shut up too. Thank you Wolf! Let's listen to the Color Guard. Everybody just sat down.
11:14: All of the former presidents are walking in. I must say, Jimmy Carter looks good for an old man. But the first Bush is hobbling along. Bill and Hillary Clinton just walked in. They look as if they have been sucking on sour grapes. But, the crowd roared for the Clintons too.
11:18: Why does it sound like the Color Guard is playing music from Star Trek? They are announcing the former presidents now. I wonder how many of the kids in the crowd even know who Jimmy Carter is? George H. W. Bush just felt up a police officer. Maybe he thought his leg was a railing.
11:21: CNN just showed the moving vans taking GW's shit out! Now they are showing the entrance of Bill and Hill, people still love them. Here come the Bush twins.
11:24: The Obama girls and their grandmother are coming in. Sasha is a cute little girl. She looks like her dad and her older sister Malia looks just like her mom. The crowd loves them. The Mall is so crowded, I wouldn't want to be out there. So far, the Obama girls have gotten the biggest cheer.
More non-Obama-related news:
The pop culture site Newsarama posted a story called 2009: The Year of the Comic Book Movie (Again?).
Vice has come out with a piece about airport security titled Smuggling Weed is Easy.
The Daily beast is talking about how everybody loves actress Taraji P. Henson now that's she's done Benjamin Button.
Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.
9:51: Woodward and Bernstein are on the Morning Joe! Love them. And Kenneth Cole is there too. Michelle Obama is wearing a nice gold dress, but where is her coat? Now the Obamas are at the White House to have coffee with the Bushes. They have the red carpet laid out for the Obama-Biden. Michelle Obama has a present for the soon to be former first lady, Laura Bush.
9:56: Flipping through the channels, I see that Lifetime Movie Network and the Hallmark Channel have confused today with Black History Month because there is a movie about Rosa Parks and an episode of the Waltons with a black man in it.
10:00: CBS: Michael Bloomberg said the election of Barack Obama shows what America really is.
Muhammad Ali just arrived at the Capital. Magic Johnson is also there. It's getting pretty star studded out there. The crew of flight 1539 is there, also.
Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.
Now watching NBC
10:44: They are showing all the Bushes. Laura and Michelle just hopped into the limo. Now, Obama and current President Bush are having a meeting in the house. Dick Cheney is being wheeled out looking like the crypt keeper. Cheney and Joe Biden don't look very friendly. But who wants to be friends with a man who shoots people in the face?
Here comes Obama and Bush. The crowd went wild. But are they cheering for Obama or because Bush is finally out of there? I wonder what Bush and Obama are talking about?
NBC is saying that by all accounts, the transition team has worked well with the outgoing administration. At least Bush got one thing right.
How much gas is being wasted in this motorcade? Driving a mile in a half in at least six cars? But safety first.
10:56: NBC said we've never seen anything like this. You think? Tom Brokaw is putting me to sleep. I'm going to turn soon. Where is Keith Oberman? I think NBC wants to bring Reagan back from the dead. Interesting to know that Reagan loved novelty stationary.
I'm sorry, I really don't care about NBC's camera work.
10:59: The arrival of the families. It's just like Cheney to slow shit down. Is it just me or does Laura Bush have the fakest smile on her face? The Presidental limo has its doors open. I wonder where the CMPD officers are.
Oh My Goodness! Ray Nagin. I bet he wouldn't have talked to President Obama like he talked to President Bush during Katrina. Then again, I'd hope Obama would've done a better job of helping New Orleans!
Obama voted against the chief justice who will swear him in. That's funny.
Isn't it time for Obama fans to worry that the Obama-mania of recent days may not be good for his presidency? Is the euphoria — the passion that's brought millions to D.C., led some mainstream journalists to lose all sense of detachment, and led to unparalleled optimism among African-Americans, a whopping two-thirds of whom told CNN pollsters that Dr. King's dream was realized — setting him up for a fall? Or, at the very least, a big letdown when he can't deliver as quickly as we'd like?
Some observers think he'll have a longer honeymoon than usual, considering the challenges he faces. Others, like Washington Times editor emeritus Wesley Pruden, write that the honeymoon ends immediately once Obama's sworn in.