The Girl Code Constitution



Since I keep seeing girl-on-girl hate crimes being committed, spanning from elementary school to adulthood, I feel compelled to put my pen down and write a “Girl Code Amendment” — kinda like the Constitution of Female Behavior that should be considered law.

Repeat after me.

Thou shall not call another girl ugly, fat or insult her outfit without looking in the mirror first. Don't hate, congratulate (especially if that's how you expect to be treated in return).
Thou shall not take your insecurities out on another girl by bullying and trying to make her feel insecure.
Thou shall not be a homewrecker.
Thou shall never knowingly be the “side chick” — or ever settle for being as such.
Thou shall not flirt with a guy another friend has dated or truly cared about. Including but not limited to texting, Facebooking, tweeting and/or calling.
Thou shall not try to sabotage another woman’s relationship or reputation by spreading rumors and being a vixen.
Thou shall realize the power of the vagina and not give it up too easily.
Thou shall not let another woman leave the ladies room with toilet paper stuck to her shoe, and will be honest about whether that dress makes her look fat or not.
Thou shall never impede on a man’s responsibility as a father and his duties to the mother of his child.
Thou shall respect your girlfriend’s trust and keep secrets, not borrow clothes without asking, nor talk behind their backs.
Thou shall celebrate a girlfriend’s success rather than belittle it and hate on her about it. Because haters are just people who need love.


Chicks before dicks!

Consider this an official document in written law. Now put your John Hancock on it like the Declaration of Independence. But this is the Declaration of End-Dependence. The No. 1 rule of girl code is to never depend on a man to make us happy and whole. Our happiness is our own responsibility.