Remember when my intern signed me up for ... and then proceeded to browse online dates for me, finding me a "Situation" and a guy like Alan from Hangover. Well, payback is a bitch. Recently single, I gave Jordan a work assignment to fill out her own little dating questionnaire, just like she did for me on Match. With this one being a little less conventional.
But what she doesn't know is that I had her make it so I could post it on here and pimp her out.
Then, I'm going to make her go out with every guy who responds to this classified ad. (Except the ones that seem like they might be serial killers.)
Send all inquiries to
Now it's my turn to play matchmaker and pay her back. The favor that is — *wink.*
So everybody, meet Jordan ... my single intern.
And find her dating profile below. Muahahahaha.