Not just The Single Woman



Don't quote me, quote one of my "tweeps" The Single Woman — one of my favorite peeps on Twitter.

@TheSingleWoman™ : Single ladies, show off YOUR ring w/ pride - the RINGing of your inner Liberty Bell, celebrating your independence! #TheSW

@TheSingleWoman™ : The end of one era is the beginning of another. There are greater things in store than anything u've known before! #TheSW

@TheSingleWoman™ : In fairytales, is the Princess EVER the one chasing the Prince? U are worthy of the pursuit. Let him come to u! #TheSW

@TheSingleWoman™ : You are not defined by how many times you fall down but by how many times you refuse to stay there. #TheSW


Just because you're lost doesn't mean all hope is! Sometimes a "wrong turn" puts us right where we belong. #TheSW

@TheSingleWoman™ : Take where you’ve BEEN and use it as a roadmap for where you’re GOING..and for where you’ll never go again. #TheSW

And that's just her most recent timeline. So for your daily dose of positivity, whether you're single or taken, woman or man, follow @TheSingleWoman ... And maybe even @brittneycason too while you're at it.