Kids get all the cool stuff:


comment makes me wish I was a kid again. This amazing iPhone app and social platform strictly for children is like the Girl/Boy Scouts plus Foursquare plus tech on steroids. How cool is this?!

Kids earn badges for uploading a photo or video of them completing each challenge. Even better, they have a wide range of epic skills, skills that I as an adult want to learn. It's all over the board, ranging from experimenting with gravity to becoming a linguist to being a backend dev to being a historian or journalist. 

Despite the weirdness of the above video (which I am assuming is weird because I'm not a kid so it doesn't appeal to me) this app/platform plus real, tangible, sometimes non-digital skill teaching is perhaps one of the best uses of technology seen in awhile.

Here's a small cross-section of the type of things kids are learning. Click the badge to go to their website and see what's going on with that particular skill:

I want to learn to be a Yeti, don't you? Kids get all the cool stuff. Click here to visit the iTunes app download page.

For more commentary, follow me on Twitter @dbirdy, for more photos peep my Flickr, if you're into the travel philosophy thing read my website, and to see a bunch of random and fun travel videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Zero, zilch, none and no part of this post is sponsored by any of the above mentioned company or companies, nor would I ever present such a thing.

All image credits: The website