During the madness of the Duke Energy coal ash spill into the Dan River, some good energy news emerges. Ivanpah Solar Project, the world's largest photovoltaic solar plant, opened yesterday, promising to power 140,000 homes with renewable energy.
Here's a 3D panorama from the middle of the Mojave Desert of the facility:
Yes, this is the same one I profiled 14 months ago, when it was slated to be the second largest plant in the world - before the one planned in China failed and before China's State Council declared it is going on the biggest solar powergasm the world has ever seen:
Of course, data now supports that there are not 1 million heliostats, though now that the project is open, I bet it still feels like it! Actually, there are 350,000, all computer-controlled, and Ivanpah Solar Project is being touted as a beacon of light for the United States' emerging solar industry.
Speaking of emerging solar, next week, I'll feature an interview with Josh Case, CEO of Utah Solar 1, a huge solar plant in Utah in the works. I've also got interviews from locals and officials, photos and more to share as well. Tune in on Friday!