NEW VIDEO: Kevin 'Mercury' Carter Delivers a Jaw-Dropping Visual Delight in 'The Commencement'


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When we talked to Kevin Carter for CL's April 5 cover story, he told us he was working on a sprawling video accompaniment to songs from his first EP, Temple.

"I'm doing video for four of the songs, but it will be just one film — kind of like Beyoncé did with Lemonade: multiple songs, one video," Carter told us. "I've already purchased white backdrops that I painted myself. And I'm very excited about it."

In fact, we talked to the videographer recently at Hattie's Tap and Tavern, and he said Carter not only purchased backdrops but also had very specific ideas on his self-designed clothing and each lush location. "Infinitely thankful for Grapejugo and his astounding cinematography on this film," Carter writes of the video on his Facebook page. "Truly hope I made you all proud. Please enjoy, share, repost, comment, everything."

There are no words sufficient to describe the spectacle you'll see in "The Commencement of Mercurycarter." From the Gregorian-like choral music at the beginning, to Carter's multi-octave vocal range throughout, to the outfits Carter has created for each scene and the lush and ancient location shots he's chosen, many shot in South Carolina, this is a work of an unusually gifted and visionary artist. We maintain you'll be hearing plenty more from Mercury Carter.

Right now, you just need to watch the video.