Local Leak: Buckmaster's "The Ja Dance"



New music in this week's Local Leak from one of Charlotte's busiest DJ's, Buckmaster.

"The Ja Dance" is a tribal bass jam, he cooked up in just a few hours and has already added to his rotation at Dharma Lounge, where he's the resident DJ.

It's part of the Future Sounds of North America compilation, put out by Party Guy Records, which also features local bass producers, Clicks + Whistles.

The compilation hopes to shine light on bass as a genre and how it's moved out of regional pockets and away from regional sounds we're used to and transformed into this big pot of everything, that everyone is contributing to.

The native vibe of this record is ready to party right now but you can't buy the entire compilation until Dec. 13 when it's available on iTunes and a bunch of other outlets.