Thursday, January 23, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Should Sell Leftover Test Strips

Posted By on Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 1:03 PM

More than 12% of Americans over the age of 20 are suffering from diabetes. More than 30M Americans in total are living with this dreaded disease. Regardless of whether your diagnosis has been fairly recent or been known for a number of years, you might have a number of questions regarding your test strips. There’s a chance that you’ve got a huge supply of glucose test strips stowed away at your place. What can you do about them? Throw them away? Keep using them past their expiry date? Keep them there till the end of time?

Here, we’ll tell you 5 Reasons why you should sell leftover test strips – 

  • You can sell glucose test strips that are nearing their expiration date

Yes, blood sugar test strips & other supplies tend to be fairly expensive. You might be tempted to throw them away because they’re close to their expiration date. However, that’s not really a good idea since they may return faulty readings, which could be dangerous for your health.

Why is that?

Diabetes test strips have certain enzymes, which tend to react with the glucose in your blood to provide you with a reading. However, they don’t really last forever. Once their expiration date has gone by, they start breaking down. What do you do then? Sell them away! There are many people who are in urgent need of these strips. You don’t need to be worried about your strips going in vain and this way, you can also help others who require these strips. And it’s fully legal as well since they aren’t prescription medication!

  • It Is Better for The Environment

Are you looking to reduce the impact you have on the environment? You can do that by selling old diabetes test strips! When you recycle and sell them, you can reduce the plastic packaging waste that you generate. Instead of simply tossing these diabetes strips away, you can recycle and help others utilize them.

  • You Can Help People Who Cannot Afford Diabetes Strips

Do you remember being flabbergasted by how much your supplies cost you? Imagine how it would be if you could not afford them at all. You can sell these strips and help those in need who are unable to afford these strips. Diabetes happens to be the 7th biggest killer in the US. By helping people obtain the test strips and supplies they need, you can help prevent these deaths since they can purchase your strips at lower rates.

  • You Can Earn Your Money Back

We all know how frustrating it can be to throw away unused stuff just because they were past their expiration date. What if you could make this money back? Sell diabetic test strips now to earn back a portion of the money you spent. Why do you want to consider throwing your strips away if you could recoup a portion of the costs by selling the strips to someone who can ensure that others in need can avail them?

  • Get Accurate Readings All the Time

It can be scary to think about what could happen if your strips don’t give you the right readings. However, you can always do something to ensure that you don’t need to rely on wrong, inaccurate readings. Please note that you should keep using old strips just to save yourself some money. You will soon wind up paying a lot more if you keep relying on expired test strips. If things go south and you find yourself on a hospital bed because you received the wrong blood sugar reading, you will have to shell out thousands of dollars more. That would be quite crazy, wouldn’t it?

Here a list of some other reasons why most people sell their test strips –

  • They received test strips free of cost and do not need them.

  • They switched to modern glucose monitors that evaluate sugar levels continually

  • They had a transplant, which eliminated their Type 1 diabetes

  • Their family member passed away, who still had extra strips leftover

  • Their pharmacy committed a mistake & they cannot return these strips

  • They are no longer test at the same rate as they used to

  • They were only suffering from gestational diabetes, which has now been cured

  • They are now using another brand

  • They bought excess supplies, which are no longer needed. 

Use our services here at Test Strips 4 Money to sell the diabetes strips that you no longer need. It can save you some money and help other people simultaneously.

Top Affordable Winter Destinations for Your Average Joe

Posted By on Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:59 PM

According to official statistics, less than 20% of people take time off during the winter holidays and even fewer afford to leave their city for a tourist destination. However, traveling shouldn’t be expensive if done right.

Why spend your year-worth-budget on a week in Vegas that you’ll hardly remember when you can invest the money smartly and come back with memories to last you a lifetime? Check out these incredibly affordable destinations and start packing your bags. 

Port Isabel, Texas

This city is as close as you can get to a Mexican vacation without having to worry about passports or leaving the country. Port Isabel is located north of the US-Mexican border and provides the best of both worlds. The place combines classic beach activities with historical attractions, so there is plenty to visit for a few days. 

You can get to sip your Corona on the beach, supervising your children while building sandcastles or swimming in the turquoise waters of the Mexican Gulf without a care in the world. In the afternoon, you can choose to visit one of the many tourist attractions or continue your Mexican party with some good old tacos and tequila shots. 

This little paradise was voted as “the most beautiful place to visit in Texas” by Culture Trip but remains extremely affordable. And, most importantly, it’s warm all-year-long, so don’t forget to bring your sombrero and sunscreen. 

Mesa, Arizona

Arizona has plenty of tourist attractions, especially around the areas of Phoenix and Tempe but if you’re looking for a quieter place to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve, Mesa is a destination worth considering. 

There are over 50 public parks to visit, four large museums, and an event center with plenty of holiday parties and Christmas carols concerts, so you won’t get bored. For around $900 you can rent a beautiful two-bedroom home, complete with a pool, and a large patio to throw an old fashion American barbeque. 

Tallahassee, Florida

Only a few hours away from the hype of Orlando and Miami, Tallahassee is a more affordable destination with plenty of beach-like activities to indulge in with the entire family. The beautiful Florida weather will keep you warm throughout the year as you enjoy a day at the beach swimming in the warm waters of Gulf Mexico or visiting one of the city’s museums. 

The place is also famous for its delicious oysters, served at local diners and fancy restaurants alike. You can get to spend a beautiful day wandering in one of the many national reserves, filled with birds, insects, animals, and even gators. 

Kansas City, Missouri

If you would like to experience a true Midwest winter, you can head to Kansas City. The place is usually crowded during the holidays but there are plenty of things to see in your inexpensive city getaway. 

Most of the time, you’ll find enough snow for Canada like winters, with plenty of specific activities such as ice skating and ice sculpting. The Christmas lights are on from the beginning of December and you’ll get plenty of Christmas markets to shop for souvenirs and homemade goodies. 

There are also a few interesting museums and art galleries that offer free admission while the prices in pubs and restaurants are reasonable in comparison to other big cities in the Midwest. 

New Orleans, Louisiana

The city is famous for its Mardi Gras festival in March-April but other than that, it remains a popular yet affordable destination. We don’t recommend that you go to Louisiana in the summertime as the high humidity combined with temperatures over 100 degrees will make you feel like in an oven. 

The average temperatures in January are 63 degrees, perfect for a stroll over the French Quarter without breaking a sweat. Take the city’s tram for free and enjoy a ride alongside the Mississippi River or sip a delicious cup of coffee at the prestigious Cafe du Monde downtown. 

Pahoa, Hawaii

Hawaii is the main destination for luxurious honeymoons but it also provides plenty of opportunities for tourists on a budget. Pahoa offers everything you want in a Hawaiian vacation, without the overpriced touristy stuff. 

You’ll still get to enjoy the breathtakingly beautiful beaches, hiking in the rainforest or snorkeling with tropical fish in secluded locations. And, what’s best, you’ll even get 3-star hotels that offer nightly rates as low as $80.

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6 Things You Need to Know About Eggs

Posted By on Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:56 PM

Everybody loves eggs and they can be prepared in so many different ways and eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and brunch. You can fry, boil, bake, scramble, or combine them with countless other ingredients. Eggs are popular for their versatility and taste but many people avoid them because they have a bad rap due to the cholesterol content.

The truth is that eggs have far more benefits than you would imagine and they can even have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Below we’ve explored a few facts about eggs so that you can learn just how beneficial they can be for you.


They are full of useful nutrients

In just a single egg you can find a staggering number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help your body to function to the best of its ability. It contains vitamin A, B5, B2, B6, B12, D, E, and K, as well as zinc, calcium, selenium, folate, and phosphorus.

It can also help keep your brain healthy since it is a rich source of choline which is a chemical compound that is essential to keeping the brain cells healthy. It’s a good idea to incorporate some eggs into your meals if you’re planning to do some hard thinking at work, school, or at home.

The nutrients in eggs can also help keep your vision sharp since each egg contain zeaxanthin and lutein which are two antioxidants that are known to help prevent eye issues like macular degeneration and cataracts.


Organic eggs are worth the price

Even to this day, organic production represents only a tiny fraction of agricultural sales, and while organic may mean healthier it doesn’t always mean more nutritious. As far as eggs are concerned, organic options contain more micronutrients than conventional eggs.

They contain three times more omega-3 fatty acids, and around 40% more vitamin A and twice the amount of vitamin E. Hens that lay organic eggs are also usually cage-free and use comfortable nesting boxes such as those recommended by


They can help manage your weight

Eggs are very filling which means that you don’t need to eat a lot of them to feel satisfied. If you want to manage your weight, incorporating eggs in your diet is a good idea since you can eat less and feel full without having to rely on empty calories.

Since this food is so versatile, you won’t have to worry that you’ll soon get sick of eating eggs since there are plenty of recipes available that can help you discover just how delicious this food can be.


They can make LDL cholesterol less harmful

There are two types of cholesterol, HDL which is the good kind of cholesterol and DLD which is the bad one. Eggs can raise the level of LDL cholesterol in your body which can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Furthermore, eggs can also help your body convert LDL cholesterol which comes in the form of small and dense particles in your blood into larger ones which are less likely to cause heart health problems.


How can you tell if an egg is still good?

The easiest way to tell if an egg is good is by using the float test. You need to place the uncooked egg while still in its shell in a bowl of water and if the egg lies on its side, it is a sign that it is still fresh.

If it stands up, it means that some oxygen has managed to infiltrate the shell and get inside the egg. It will still be good for baking and once boiled, it will be much easier to remove the shell. If the egg floats, then this means that it most certainly is bad.

While these methods are useful to help you get an idea of how fresh an egg is, it is still recommended to crack it open and see if the appearance is off or if there is a bad smell.


They have a great shelf life

In the refrigerator, raw eggs that are still in the shell are still good to eat for 3 to 5 weeks. The sell-by dates on the carton must be within 30 days of packing and that means that the eggs are still good to eat for at least a week after the sell-by date.

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