Food news you can use (but may not want)



Here are a few of the food headlines I've noticed in the last few days. Warning: Some may make you want to puke, like the first two:

Feces in imported food from less developed countries a rising concern: scientistsThe Vancouver Sun

Drug-Tainted Fish Can Swim Right Past U.S. Food Inspectors, Audit Says —

Cut red meat intake and don't eat ham, say cancer researchersThe Guardian

Strong Sales of Organic Foods Attract InvestorsThe New York Times

Kraft Foods to pay $8.1 M to settle pollution lawsuit — Associated Press

Farmers vs. feds.: Pennsylvania is flash point in raw-milk fightThe Philadelphia Inquirer

Genetically modified (GM) food toxins found in the blood of 93% of unborn babiesThe Daily Mail

Cookie Crumbles for Girl Scouts, as Teens Launch Palm-Oil CrusadeWall Street Journal

Farm States Suffer Expanded Drought, Wheat Suffers — Plant Ark

Now, a reminder: Buy local. Buy organic. Get to know the farmers and food producers in your area. Read the ingredients list when you buy processed foods. Know what you're eating and feeding your kids. Remember that ingredients like "fragrance" can be anything. Know that ingredients like palm oil may make our food tasty, but harvesting them creates devastation in foreign lands and for the people and ecosystems that live there. Oh, and stop eating junk.

Here's a video that will help you understand why you should avoid all foods that contain palm oil: