News Roundup, 04/18/08



Obama unenthusiastic about N.C. debate: Sen. Hillary Clinton has agreed to an April 27 debate in Ralaigh, N.C. However, Sen. Barack Obama sounded less than thrilled April 17 about holding another debate in North Carolina this month. "I could deliver Sen. Clinton's lines," he said. "I'm sure she could deliver mine."

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After intimate meeting, pope turns to global audience: Pope Benedict XVI has put the country's clergy sexual abuse scandal center stage for three days. On April 18 he then turned his attention to the reason he came to the U.S. in the first place, which was to deliver an address to the General Assembly of the United Nations. He focused on ethical and moral principles as a guide for pluralistic societies, a human rights agenda that holds religious freedom and sacredeness of human life in high regard and the responsibility of first world nations to help developing nations.

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Attacks force U.N. to cut Darfur food relief: The hungry of the waring Darfur region are about to be cut from the U.N. World Food Programmme because there have been attacks on humanitarian convoys. The cut will start in May. Josette Sheevan, WFP's executive director, said 3 million people are depending on them for their survival in the coming rainy season, and keeping the food supply line open is a matter of life and death

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