A non-foodie goes to Taste of the Nation



The only thing I know about food is that it keeps my stomach from growling, and I only put things in my mouth that taste good (i.e., very few veggies for me!). I'm definitely not a foodie, but Taste of the Nation last night was scrumptious. People get really happy around food, and since there was so much (free) good food and alcohol, there were a lot of happy people there.

At one point, we wondered, why is everyone serving pork? Then we remembered an interview we did with Mark Hibbs, chef of Uptown eatery Ratcliffe on the Green and Taste of the Nation organizer, where we learned that the National Pork Board had plans to be involved in this year's event. Duh.

My favorite taste of the evening? A scallop dish from ... my guess would be Savannah Red. Like I said, I'm not a foodie, and there was so many great dishes that it was hard to keep them all straight. What was your favorite dish?