
Baggage. We all have it.

And the older we get, the more baggage we accumulate. Ex-wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, emotional scars, resentments, debt, alimony payments, real estate, reputation, etc. etc. Basically anything in your past life that you still carry around with you. (Kids do not count as baggage, for the record. They're more of a positive thing, like a package deal.) Baggage is the crap that is weighing you down and keeping you from getting to where you want to go, and in turn, making you appear like a hoarder, and a lot less appealing to future travel partners.


Take a load off why don't you.

Don't journey into a new relationship carrying all your souvenirs and remnants of failed relationships past.

Don't be a hoarder. Throw out your junk so you can make room in your suitcase for new things. Heal wounds and throw out resentment. And show your next travel partner what's in your suitcase — so they can decide if they want to help you carry that baggage or not.

Think of it this way. When you start dating someone, it's like going on a honeymoon. The two of you sail off into your own little world where you get to know one another. If you're carrying around baggage from your past relationships, you'll max out your luggage allowance and not have room to pack new memories.

Perhaps relationships should be like airlines and start charging a checked luggage fee. Pack lightly so everything fits into a carry-on.