Women Viagra?


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Recently, I walked into Smoothie King and found this displayed among the vitamins, fish oil and diet drugs: Arousal and Pleasure Libido-Boost for Women.


Can you imagine a soccer mom bringing her second grader into Smoothie King, and the little boy pointing at the box and asking, "Hey mommy, what's a libido?"

No wonder the birds and bees conversation (and actions) seem to be happening earlier these days.

I can't go anywhere without seeing a product advertising to enhance my mojo. I was handed Extenze for Women samples at a NASCAR event, and got this libigirl sexual enhancement and energy shot at a gas station cashier counter because they were out of 5-Hour Energy.

As seen here on my desk. Don't judge.


But funny thing is, they all have different ingredients. Horny Goat Weed extract, Maca root powder, Black pepper and ginger root seem to be the key magic ingredients for "stimulating arousal" and "optimizing sexual pleasure and enjoyment." The Smoothie King brand even has L-Tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine. Why not just drink Ginger Beer and put lots of pepper on your food? That oughta spice things up.

I thought a woman hit her sexual peak at 40. So why are these sexual enhancement over-the-counter-drugs on just about every counter? Has America's sex drive gone down? Curious, I called the contact number provided by the website listed on the bottle. But they didn't speak very good English and didn't know of any health advisers I could talk to. So I called Smoothie King and was put through to a voice mail to someone in marketing. So I researched the Extenze website...

Are there any side effects to Women ExtenZe?

Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, facial hair growth, oily skin, clitoral and vulvar enlargement, excessively heightened sex drive, irritability, and increased levels of female estrogen or testosterone.

... if excessively heightened sex drive is the side effect, then what's the main course? Hmmm ... facial hair or larger clitoris ... tough choice.

What will Women ExtenZe do for me?

Women ExtenZe helps strengthened the connection between mind, body and spirit. It fortifies, nourishes, supports and strengthens sex like no other nutritional product that has ever been introduced for women.

Funny, the Smoothie King brand said they have the best nutrients for sexual enhancement. Potatoe, Potata. Libido, Libado. Guess it depends which nutritional label you're reading.

I guess these drugs are just to help the women keep up with all the men on Viagra.

But none of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. And I personally like them to approve my drugs, and my men, before I take them. Because men are like a drug after all: they can get you so high, but just as quickly, they can also bring you way down.