Queen City Burlesque spices up Charlotte



Things just got a little hotter in Charlotte. And not just because the temperature is rising.

Queen City Burlesque has taken the stage in Charlotte (and Lake Norman Comedy Zone) and is spicing things up. This performance troupe takes the art of burlesque and transforms it into modern-day fun with live music, racy performances, comedy and group performances featuring the Queen Kitty, Bunny Fatale, Spicey L'amor, Bebe Babette and Honey Jazel.


You can get in on the action ...

Queen City Burlesque is looking to add performers who can dance or sing. Or better yet, both, in sexy clothes. And they'll pay you for it too. E-mail your resume and head shot to queencityburlesque@ymail.com.

They're holding auditions on Sunday, April 3 in Uptown.

Or, just "like" them on Facebook.