Cancer survivors on the runway for Cure By Design




Imagine fighting for your very life, against all the odds, and actually winning. (No, this is not about the Hunger Games, although I can understand why you'd think so. I'm currently reading Catching Fire.) Of course you'd deserve to be in the spotlight.

The American Cancer Society thinks so, too. On March 24, the organization hosts the inaugural Cure By Design Charlotte event at the Ritz Carlton Urban Garden. The fashions will be on point, but the models? They're the real stars of the show. Local cancer survivors will be strutting their stuff down the runway.

“Cure By Design is ALL about the survivors,” said designer Alex Garfield, who developed the event and has helped coordinate it in various cities. “I understand that fashion can be exciting, but for me, and once anyone experiences a Cure By Design event, it’s ALL about the models’ courage; and the love and tears of joy shared in the room.”

Among the local cancer survivors who will walk the runway on March 24 are:

Mary Ann Albaugh, Dallas; Jacob Barringer, Gastonia; Dr. Beverly Belle, Charlotte; Vicki Borin, Charlotte; Walter Burke, Denver; Carol Capristo, Boone; Keesha Carter, Wingate; Caroline Churchill, Gastonia; Carol Fleming, Huntersville; Traye Gaines, Charlotte; Julie Hill, Huntersville; Jane Hutchko, Charlotte; Phyllis Howard, Charlotte; Jordan Jemsek, Charlotte; Kay Jemsek, Charlotte; Tatyana Jennings, Charlotte; Ryan Johnson, Charlotte; La Vonda “Von” Kinloch, Harrisburg; Brenda Kinney, Lincolnton; Olivia McCarthy, Wingate; Gigi Luedeman, Charlotte; Heather Miller, Charlotte; Nancy Ratcliffe, Charlotte; Shannon Routh, Charlotte and Amy Vance, Matthews.

Designers, retailers and beauty industry organizations supporting the event include: Alex Garfield, Peace of Cloth; Belk; Brooks Brothers; Doncaster; Charles Grayson; Halcyon Salons & Spas; Hannibal; Joey Hewell, J. Studio; Lilly Pulitzer; Lotus; Effie Loukas; Luis Machicao Couture; Magic Windows; Joy Randall, Flawless Makeup Art; Salon Tribeca; Scarlett; Talbots; Taylor Richards Conger; and Tommy Bahama.

The event starts at 6 p.m. and includes a reception, live and silent auctions and the survivors’ fashion show. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Individual tickets are $125. For further information, please visit or call 704-552-6147.