All About Style: Pamper Parlor Volume 1



Whenever I think about makeup, I get so overwhelmed. So many colors and brands to choose from ... If you're in the same boat as me, do what I did recently: Turn to the experts.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to host a fabulous event at RE:Public created by Joy Randall of Flawless Makeup Art called Pamper Parlor. It was the first if its kind but certainly not the last. Giving insight into "flawless" makeup application, this team of ladies was all well-versed on the products, and the event offered the opportunity for all of the attendees to sample and experience brands they had never seen and maybe never even heard of!

If you missed this one, don't worry, as there's another one in the works — and just in time for spring. When you're thinking about what your signature makeup look of the season will be, make sure to include Pamper Parlor Volume 2 on your event calendar for April 15. More details to come.