Goo-goo for the 'Guy Aisle'



Equal rights have hit the shelves of a CVS near you. Fortunately for men, the days of braving stretches of feminine products to pick up a new razor or stick of deodorant are coming to an end. All thanks to the “Guy Aisle” — a brand-new concept thought up by a few activists at Proctor & Gamble and CVS who aren’t afraid to admit they’re in touch with their masculine side.


From hair color, Old Spice body wash, an assortment of Axe sprays, trimmers, aftershave and more, the Guy Aisle gives men a chance to get in, get out and get on with it. Currently only one CVS in Charlotte has launched the prototype aisle, awaiting consumer response. But, if men really are from Mars, and women from Venus, I’d make a bet and say the Guy Aisle will start popping up at CVS stores everywhere. What man would complain about missing out on a grueling battle of sifting through flirty scented body washes, an excessive assortment of razors with refill packs, and sparkly packaged deodorants in order to find their bare essentials?

“Men are buyers and not shoppers," said Michael Norton, director of external relations for male grooming at Gillette. "They want to get the shopping done, and with all their grooming needs in one aisle, it makes shopping easier, quicker and simpler."

Depending on its success, the Guy Aisle is bound to pop up in CVS stores across the nation. So far, the concept of making shopping easier and quicker for male counterparts has had promising feedback. Norton said the response “via online comments and anecdotal remarks has been really positive — from both men and women.”

One thing men and women can almost always agree on is that a huge difference exists in their shopping habits. Women like to peruse aisles, compare scents, packaging, and appeal before they choose their favorite product. Men like to grab and go. Women have cabinets overflowing with hair, makeup, and grooming accessories. Men can fit their personal products in to one drawer. It’s a fact — women like to stockpile, men like to keep it simple. The Guy Aisle brings simplicity and convenience to every man who has ever braved a co-ed toiletry aisle at a drug store. And, for that reason I’d say the Guy Aisle is a go!

Want to see for yourself? Visit the one and only location in Charlotte. 14125 Steele Creek Road.