Show me the underwear at Brief!: A Fete for Fashion




Twenty-five exquisite male models with chiseled bodies, wearing nothing but underwear? Ladies, we've hit the jackpot.

In a world where a lingerie and swimsuit fashion show usually means women paraded down a runway, advertising sexy and alluring, finally, the gods have smiled down upon us and brought Brief!: A Fete for Fashion back again for the second year in a row.

On Saturday, Oct. 2, Brief!, an underwear fashion show benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, will take place at Extravaganza Depot. And the excitement is already building.

"People are coming out of the woodwork wanting to be a part of this event," says Dan Mauney, who came up with the idea for the chic event. "Models, vendors, suppliers, marketing companies — it's crazy."

Mauney, who is co-owner of Sloan and Step by Sloan boutiques, was inspired to help raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis after he learned that Oliver, the son of friend and business partner Jill Pleune, was born with the life-threatening genetic disease. And so Brief! was born.

"It's men and underwear, it's for cystic fibrosis and we're back for the second year," Mauney gushes.

To say last year's event was hot is an understatement. More than $23,000 was raised for the foundation, and about 350 people were in attendance at the New York-style fashion show, which featured designs from Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, 2Xist and others.

This year's goal is to raise $50,000 for the foundation, and Mauney expects more than 500 people to come out.

"We're expecting people to come from all over the country for this event," he says. "The great thing about it is we're pairing two things together: a great cause with a unique event. It's not the redundant cocktail party that's all over Charlotte. We definitely have our niche here."

To keep it fresh, organizers have added a swimsuit portion to the show, and the number of models has gone up from 16 to 25. "I want to shake it up a little bit and keep it unique, so that each segment you see someone different," Mauney says.

Also, a "Men of BRIEF!" 2011 color calendar will be on sale, featuring 12 of the hottest models from 2009's event. The cost is $20 and that money will also benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

"Brief! is all about appreciating the male body in its grandeur, framed in underwear," Mauney says. And with models from across the board — lean to muscular, African-American to white to Asian — that certainly won't be hard to do.

Incidentally, don't expect to see jockstraps or thongs — Mauney classifies this as a "very sophisticated men's underwear fashion show. "

$25 to $150. Oct. 2, 7 p.m. Extravaganza Depot, 610 N. Tryon St. For more information, visit