Want to make a statement with your outfit? Just flip the switch on those LED lights. Welcome to, technology meets your wardrobe.
I recently stumbled across CuteCircuit, a fashion company in London that designs "wearable technology." From their website: "CuteCircuit products are innovative intelligent clothing that integrate new functionalities into fashion through the use of smart textiles and micro electronics."
Here's one of their products: The Kinetic Dress, a Victorian-inspired evening gown that's black when you're still and lights up when you move. Watch the short video.
Another one of CuteCircuit's products (on sale soon) is the M Dress, which also functions as a mobile phone. Weird, right? Insert your SIM card beneath the label of the silk jersey dress. When the dress rings, bring your hand to the ear to answer the call, and when done talking, lower the arm downward to close the call. The perfect solution to finding a place to put your phone when you go out on the town.
But what if you go out dancing? Should you restrain from putting your arms up so you don't accidentally dial out?