Be an conscientious consumer. Check out this article from columnist Amy Goodman on the toxins that are in everyday stuff like cosmetics and toys — yes, your children's toys! Here's an excerpt:
Schapiro told me, "Whether it is your nail polish, eye shadow, shampoo, essentially personal-care products, is not regulated by the (Food and Drug Administration) ... numerous times in the Senate, over the last 50 years, there have been efforts to expand the purview of the FDA, and it's been repeatedly beaten back by the cosmetics industry." Details on the toxins are hard to come by. Schapiro continued, "The reason I even know what kind of material is in cosmetics is not because the FDA has told us; it's actually because the European Union has taken the action to remove that stuff, and they have a list."
And another:
In the wake of the 2007 China toy recall in the Unites States (because of lead found in the toys), Congress passed, and President George W. Bush signed, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. A key provision, mandating a ban of phthalate- and lead-containing products intended for children 12 years of age and younger, went into effect Feb. 10. If you bought a plastic toy before that date, beware: After the law passed last summer, some stores stuffed their shelves with tainted toys and sold them at fire-sale prices to unload their inventory.