Fashion 4 Film on Saturday



If you're tired of doing it up CIAA-style by Saturday evening, and you're passionate about fashion, you'll want to check out this event on Feb. 28: Fashion 4 Film.

Fashion 4 Film is a collaborative effort put together by La Ink, Henry's Hammer Clothing Company and Lorent Productions.  Independent filmmakers and fashion designers are collectively raising the awareness for the need of funding for our independent film projects.

Utilizing fashion, photography, film and the arts our troop will entertain and educate all audiences to successfully reach our goals. Come see the hottest designers, view upcoming film projects and network with vendors while enjoying food & beverage.

The event will go down at the Pease Auditorium at CPCC. 8 p.m. Tickets are:

$22.00 Adults

$18.00 Student/Senior

$10.00 Children under 12

Click here for more information and/or to order tickets.