Carleen | Lust List | Creative Loafing Charlotte

Bad Habits » Lust List


Head Stylist @ Lotus, Phillips Place


What makes you lustworthy? That's a good question. I never think of myself like that. I can be very challenging. I leave something to the imagination. I don't expose myself too much.


Corniest pick-up line used on you? You know what guys always say? "Don't I know you from somewhere?" And I'm like, "No, you don't know me. You're just using that to start a conversation and it's not going to work."

Most romantic thing you've ever done for you? Well, I haven't had really serious relationships. I don't really do romantic stuff. I guess ... oh, I made someone a bubble bath, then I gave them a massage.

This presidential election could end with one of two firsts: first black male or first female president? Which would you vote for? I think I'm gonna go with the female. I just think for males, African-American or white, they've subjected women. And I just feel like a woman's perspective would maybe be essential in a position like that.

What's a deal-breaker for you? Dishonesty. If there's a pattern of dishonesty, I'll cut it off quickly. 'Cause I feel like if you lie about too many things, you'll keep lying in the future. And I just don't have any tolerance for that. If you put on a mask and you try to portray yourself in a way that is different in front of other people as opposed in front of me, then yeah, that's a turnoff, immediately.

Best way to spend a Saturday night? Going bowling. I love to bowl. It's so fun. I think, on a Saturday night, it's so easy to do the usual like sit down, watch a movie, go to a dinner, blah, blah, blah. But, I think when you can do something where it's hands-on with your significant other/someone that you like and there's a little bit of competitiveness, it can be fun.

Last book read? The Tipping Point. It was about advertising in particular. It was interesting 'cause it was talking about how things can spread really quickly like diseases or a fashion trend. It's really hard to sum up.

From the area? I was born in Denmark.

Lust List 2007

Dutifully serving Charlotte's SINful desires since 2006

Lust List
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Doorguy @ Dixie's
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Manager @ CANS
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Boutique Manager @ Glamour Puss
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Bartender @ CANS
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Head Stylist @ Lotus, Phillips Place
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Manager @ Abercrombie & Fitch, Carolina Place