Construction continues at Sycamore Brewing Company



After navigating the labyrinth of local ordinances, obtaining all the proper permits and getting final approval on its building plans, Sycamore Brewing Company is officially under construction. Owners Justin and Sarah Brigham have been working diligently to get their new South End brewery up and running as soon as possible, and this major hurdle puts them squarely in the driver's seat to make that happen. As of last week, demo is complete, the trenches for the draft lines have been cut and the old service trenches from the building's days as a mechanic shop have been removed.


The new brewhouse, made just up the road at Smart Machine Technology in Stokesdale, is also coming together, along with its glycol chiller, and boiler - both also made here in North Carolina. Sycamore's motto is "Drink Carolina Proud" and the owners are certainly putting their money where their mouths are by sourcing many of their ingredients as well as their equipment as locally as possible.


If all goes well, Sycamore Brewing Company will be up and running by the end of the summer, providing South End with yet another great source of fresh, locally made beer. You can keep track of Sycamore's progress and learn more about about its people, beers and philosophy here.