While libation lovers have no trouble finding a decent bar crawl to mingle at in this town, those looking to fill their bellies with food instead of booze usually tend to stick to one eatery per meal. Combining the bar crawl spirit with a four-course dinner,The Uptown Progressive Dinner Crawl promises to feed both your stomach and your sense of adventure.
Taking place on Friday, March 9, crawl-goers will have a chance to support local businesses while getting their grub on. The evening will end not with dessert, but with a blowout after-party where you can enjoy all the digestives you please.
The festivities break down like this:
6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. - Registration & Hors d’ourves at Harvest Moon Grille
8:15 p.m.-9:15 p.m. - Appetizers at Ri Ra
9:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. - Entrees at Lavecchia’s
10:45 p.m.-11:45 p.m. - Desserts at Vapiano
12 a.m.-Until?-After Dinner Party at Prohibition
$30 for couples, $50 for singles. Tickets are available for purchase at www.uptowndinnercrawl.eventbrite.com