Photos: Sweet Tooth Festival



On Sunday, Feb. 18, dessert lovers invaded Black Lion in South Charlotte (10605 Park Road) for the first ever Sweet Tooth Festival, which benefited the Joe Martin ALS Foundation. And even though I'm supposed to be on a diet —Ã'Â� I was one of them.

When we arrived, the two rooms reserved in the back of the store for the fest were packed, but not suffocatingly so. Attendees were given a passport of the list of vendors — 19 in all — which was stamped at each table offering samples (I'm ashamed to say the holes in my passport were almost all punched out by the time I left). Frozen yogurt, ice cream, cupcakes, cake, mousse, truffles and candies all decked out in flavors of chocolate, raspberry, lemon, vanilla, coconut, banana and more ... just recounting that for you makes my tummy ache a little bit. Thankfully, the organizers were thoughtful enough to include a to-go box in the goody bag (which was courtesy of Yelp Charlotte) and a table offering bottled water.

While the event left me with a sugar high like no other, I have to give a shout-out to organizers Rachel Sutherland and Rhonda Hodges. Ladies, my cavity wasn't a big fan, but it was a delicious event for a worthy cause.

Check out the slideshow of photos from our photog Justin Driscoll below.