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3 Things Max Bogdan Wants You to Know About Being a Successful Entrepreneur 

Entrepreneur Max Bogdan has built three highly successful companies and a personal website. He’s become an influencer in the digital marketing space and has worked with brands around the world to help them position themselves online. He’s developed a podcast and a blog to share his insights and maintains an active social media presence on Instagram and YouTube.

And he’s accomplished all of the above before his 19th birthday.

Entrepreneurship truly knows no boundaries, especially when it comes to age. But Max will also be the first one to admit that the ability to win is only limited by your own perceptions.

Here are three things Max wants budding entrepreneurs to know about what it takes to achieve real success:

Your Work Should Fulfill You

Max learned in high school that many students follow the same path in life: graduate high school, go to college, get a job (usually working for someone else), and survive. That’s why Max left high school in order to pursue his own interests and career goals that didn’t look like everyone else’s.

In fact, Max has never really considered his entrepreneurial journey as work. “I work every day and don’t really want a day off,” he mentioned in a recent interview. “My work fills me and I find it hard to switch myself off from it because I truly enjoy it. It’s a huge part of who I am, and that tells me I’m doing exactly what I should be doing with my life.”

Failures are Successes

Max makes entrepreneurship look easy, but he admits that he’s learned a lot through trial and error — and his fair share of mistakes. “I actually love failing,” he laughs. “I like to think of failing as finding ways that don’t work, and then I take those learning experiences and put them to good use. I’m not perfect, and even though my companies have been successful, I know they can also be better.”

To Max, failure is simply part of the process. Even though he never finished high school, Max has made it a point to never stop learning. Except now, he’s learning about the things that apply to his life rather than following a die-cut course that has nothing to do with his career path.

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Start Your Journey

Max’s biggest piece of advice for young entrepreneurs (or any entrepreneur) is to simply start. He recommends starting with something easy to gain quick wins, then use that momentum to continue driving your efforts.

“Everyone has to start somewhere,” shares Max. “The difference between the dreamers and the doers is action. Stop analyzing your ideas to death, stop overthinking, and stop worrying. You can only think so much before you talk yourself out of it. At some point, you’ve just got to go for it, and if you fail, you learn something. But if you succeed, it will be the start of an amazing journey and you’ll wonder what you were so scared of in the first place.”

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