Tremont Music Hall property awaiting sale closure


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There have been a handful of rumors and discussions floating around the Charlotte music scene ever since Tremont Music Hall closed its doors on Dec. 19, 2015. Did the venue have to close? Could it have been sold? Can another music venue still open in the location? 


We spoke with property owner Larry Hicks to clear the air and find out what's in store for the 400 W. Tremont Ave. location. 

"My understanding is they're going to build a storage facility there," Hicks says. "Of course, it could be another six months." He is currently waiting to close the deal which would sell the property.

So, does that mean Tremont Music Hall didn't have to close? 

"Well, they could have stayed there another month or so," Hicks says. "As long as it was open, they could have gone month to month. I wouldn't want to run a business like that though — not knowing when it would have been over with. He was there a year longer than I thought he'd be."

Hicks says Tremont owner John Hayes and the music venue were "wonderful tenants" and he wishes the venue could have remained open, but Hicks might not have been able to give much notice on when the doors would need to be shut. When concerts are booked sometimes months in advance, it becomes difficult to offer guarantees (money given up front to secure dates and fees) for concerts knowing they might have to be cancelled.

"I'm selling the property," Hicks says, noting that a new lease wasn't possible. "I'm 75 years old and I've had enough of it. I love to travel and want that building cleared off my plate so I can do other things. I've always loved Myrtle Beach."