10-in-10 CD reviews (8/19/2011)



Each Friday, we review 10 recently released CDs in 10 words each:

Yellow Ostrich The Mistress — Sparse music background gets layers thanks to interesting vocal looping.

Puddle of Mudd Re(disc)overed — Rock band covers classic songs from Rolling Stones to AC/DC.

Eli Young Band Life At Best — Album, led by “Crazy Girl,” hasn’t changed its country style.

Wagons Rumble, Shake and Tumble — Band’s country-folk style has some Johnny Cash in it.

Tom McBride A Brief Head Spin — His style reminds me of Springsteen, without the lyrical abilities.

David Serby Poor Man’s Poem — Singer’s country folk is delivered in sleepy, old-school style.

2 Cellos 2 Cellos — Anyone wanna guess what instruments these covers are played on?

Mike Zito Greyhound — Solid, gritty, rock/blues album was produced by Anders Osborne. (At The Double Door Inn on Sept. 30.)

Hotel Lights Girl Graffiti — Ben Folds Five drummer releases sophomore album of mellow rock.

Glee The 3D Concert Movie Soundtrack — OK, enough is enough already with this overrated happy horseshit.