“People write to me and say, ‘I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me.’ I just write them a simple message like, ‘Never give up,’ you know? And it changes their life.” — Justin Bieber on responding to Twitter posts.
Beiber fever is rocking America! Now, the only question is – what the hell is Bieber fever?
Usually, I think I’m in tuned with music. Usually, I know what’s going on – I may not like it (see: Hannah Montana, Joe Bros, Lady Ga(g) Ga(g)), but I can honestly say I’ve heard it, know it, and can give an educated guess on it. Not this Bieber kid. I’m lost. No clue. Don’t understand it. So I did what anyone in my position would do... I Googled the dude.
“I think hip-hop artists respect me because I’m real. I think they see where I came from, and they can relate.” Justin Bieber on being accepted by other artists.
Here is what we know:
• He’s Canadian – No wonder those hip-hop artists can relate! Canada is so hood these days.
• Apparently discovered on YouTube – You can’t buy that kind of street cred. Can you?
• Just turned 16 – so at least this will all be over when the kid’s voice changes.
• Has sold more than 5 million copies of his My World/My World 2.0 debut album – this proves once again that parents should really watch what their kids spend their allowances on.
• Apparently his big “crush” is Beyonce and he’d like to go on a date with her – 2 questions for this: 1. Is Jay-Z ok with that? 2. Can you even be out past 9 p.m.?
• Seems to be friends with Usher – Are we sure Usher doesn’t think this is a Big Brothers/Big Sisters assignment?
"I also try to read all of my fan mail. A lot of them send me candy, which I'm not allowed to eat 'cause my mom says it might be poisonous." Justin Bieber on fan mail.
So, now we know more. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing. There have also been stories that several appearances of the young Bieber have been cancelled due to fanatical fans wanting to get close to the phenom.
Are we sure this “craze” isn’t just rabies or something.
"It's kind of hard to balance school and work sometimes. But sometimes, like, if I'm going to the White House and I'm in there doing a tour and stuff, that's like school." Bieber on education.
Um, I wouldn’t give up on that degree just yet my man.