Bonnaroo report — Thursday preview


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Well, I've gotten my final experiences with indoor plumbing and hot showers for the next four days... I'm headed to Manchester, Tenn., and four days of heat, music and, hopefully, rain-free skies.

There are chances for scattered thunderstorms all weekend, but I'm sure that won't dampen the weekend's music. Meanwhile, local news reports say traffic headed to the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival is "already horrendous."

Once I get to the festival grounds and check in, my tent will get set up and I'll head out for the shortest day of the festival.

Events today kick off at noon, but the main three music tents won't get started until 4:15 p.m. I plan on checking out The Postelles in That Tent, followed by Diane Birch. Manchester Orchestra, Needtobreathe will get the night going, and Blitzen Trapper and The xx are going to close it out.

I'm also going to try and check out Ramseur Records artist Frontier Ruckus in the Troo Music Lounge earlier in the day.

Nothing too overwhelming, but it should be a solid warmup heading into what hopes to be a long, restless, yet fantastic, weekend.

Stay tuned...