Tab Benoit: show canceled (02/03/2010)



Tab Benoit I have a thing for the blues, and some theories, too. I think the blues, being a color, doesn't see any others. I believe it's not so much what's being said as much as it is the depth of emotion in which it's delivered. I believe it's usually only white folk (critics, most often) that have a problem with the blues, or, moreover, with white people, like Mr. Benoit, playing the blues. "Authenticity!" they scream. Old black men playing old beat-up guitars – that's the blues! Robert Johnson! Lightnin' Hopkins! Whoever Fat Possum's dredged up lately! My, but that Mississip' Delta's still fertile! I believe some folks know that the blues are what you make of them, and that just because a man's whistling a jaunty tune, it doesn't mean the underlying melody is one of harmony. I believe some folks sing the blues because if they don't, the blues will sing them. I believe Mr. Benoit here's worth your time. But then again, I'm just a white critic. THIS SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELED. Double Door Inn