Friends + Music


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I don't think it's hyperbole to say, "friends shouldn't let friends listen to shitty music." But it's funny to think about which friends' musical opinions we trust.

No one listens to the girl who says someone's album is good but still has Britney Spears' Circus still getting plays on her iPod. Yet that one friend who put you on an artist you like and didn't gloat, "I put you on that" every time you go to play it, is usually one of your favorites.

It's the friend with good musical taste who you don't mind taking a road trip with, because even if you argue and aren't talking for long stretches of highway, at least the music will be good.

That same friend usually has awesome house parties because they are so meticulous about their musical selections that they can't live with one "lame" track playing, and if one such song so much as drops, three beats in they are running to change it.

What makes this friend even more valuable is the points you get from looking smart by pretty much regurgitating whatever songs or albums he thinks are cool right now.

I always wonder how much work my musically inclined friends put into staying current. Is it every free second glued to a blog site or artists' Twitter to be the first one with it? Or are they just casually around good music? Are they hitting up local DJ's?

Then we all have the friend that's on some other shit musically. Sure, they are always listening to something new and going on about some artist you've never heard of but it's usually something you don't like. It's not bad, just different.

This friend is usually the one all about the back story. Here's an example.

"Man, you have to listen to DJ ______! He spent three years on a Indian reservation so now he mixes hip-hop with tribal hymns, it's crazy!"

You know, that guy.

We kind of just tolerate him because for what his music lacks in MP3 player appeal, he more than makes up for with his enthusiasm for it.

The concert friend is my personal favorite, he doesn't really talk much about what's new and popping, he just sticks to the classics.

He's the one who tells you in November that some artist is going to be in town in April and you should get your tickets now. He's extremely adept and not stepping on the moment. He's no constantly tapping you at the show to say, "this is my song!" or "this is my favorite part."

Friends and music, great combination.