Tweeting for free music



Travis Barker and DJ AM may have found the happy medium between paying for albums and just downloading them for free.

The duo gave away their mixtape "Fix Your Face Vol. 2 - Coachella 09" this week for the cost of ... ONE TWEET!

So anyone looking to get their album can get it for free, they just have to post on Twitter saying "Download the new #trvsdjam mixtape - "Fix Your Face Vol. 2 - Coachella 09" in exchange for one tweet!"

After you post the tweet, you immediately get the link to download the mixtape (which isn't bad but is kind of awkward to listen to when you're still in bed at Noon cause it sounds live a rave).

With people still trying to figure out what Twitter is for exactly and how to capitalize from it, this could be a great new model for artists to leak new music and spread the buzz about it without spending a ton of money.

And much like I'm writing about this now, they'll probably get a lot of free press in blogs and mags just for the genius of each side of the download spectrum giving a little to produce a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Get new music, give up a tweet, kinda sweet. (That rhymed... I definitely should've been a rapper).