CD Review: Radiohead




In Rainbows

Release date: Oct. 10, 2007

The Deal: Radiohead releases new album online for whatever you want to pay for it -- nothing or more.

The Good: It's about what you'd expect from a Radiohead album if you're familiar with past efforts. It's kind of early to do a review, since most of the music usually grows on me over time, but it's available, and if you're a fan, it's worth checking out. The album opens up with a techno-ish "15 Steps." "Nude" is a slow roller, as is "Faust Arp."

The Bad: Maybe I'm not the best person to review this album since I have a love/hate relationship with the band's music. Sometimes I listen to it and it blows me away, other times I listen to it and think it's nothing special. That varies from album to album and song to song. I feel the same of In Rainbows -- some of the songs sound really good and others don't sound like much of anything to me.

The Verdict: It's a bold way to release an album, even if it's only 10 tracks. Though I can't stop wondering if this is the same album they would have released in a regular format, spare tracks from the last recording or some other combination.