Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today:
• Anyone who misses George Bush — the idiot who got us into this mess
• Winter. Damn, I'm just over it ... aren't you? Jeez.
Duke Energy. Like they need to get any bigger
The U.S. Postal Service
The dude who set his dog on fire
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today:
• Anyone who actually gives a shit about who Adam Lambert is kissing or screwing or whatever
• People who hate on the stimulus package. Hey, it helped Charlotte.
• Folks who aren't looking forward to this week's CIAA festivities. Don't be a party pooper — go out and have fun.
• Local economic woes
• Renoir ... just kidding
Five people, places and things we really ain’t digging today:
• Possibly more layoffs at CMS
• This dumb-ass Web site
• Wrongly imprisoning people
• The Pope
It's back! The five people, places and things we really ain't digging today:
• People who believe that our currently harsh winter is a sign that global warming doesn't exist. Jeez, I want to just strangle these dumb-fucks! NPR just reported on the scientific side of this dumbass train of thought. And The Daily Show did a funny skit about this very thing recently:
• Catholic bishops in Ireland who've been covering up for pedophile priests. I went to catholic school most of my life growing up in the Midwest, and I never saw any abuse firsthand — but what's been going on in Ireland is mind-blowing and incredibly criminal.
• We definitely are upset that this Shelby girl is still missing. If you've got any information, please come forward and help.
• Bank of America ... really I should just leave them on the list forever.
• The fire that destroyed the Big Ben British Pub in Myers Park. We'll be sure to keep you guys posted on the re-opening.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• Mark Sanford. Again. And it seems like 50 percent of the voters in South Carolina agree with me.
• Time Warner Cable. They are reportedly testing "Internet TV," which — according to the Charlotte Business Journal — "would involve making television shows available via the Internet." Hate to rain on the company's parade, but I liked this idea better when it was called
• Health care town hall meetings. Again. (A local reporter recently attended one and wrote about his experience.)
• Folks who are against same-sex adoption.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• The late Ryan Jenkins. Sadly, his alleged murder scandal was the most interesting thing to come out out of that dumb-ass reality show Megan Wants a Millionaire.
• People who hate on street food. Hey, I liked the stuff before it got all gourmet and stuff. Taco carts rock.
• The latest unemployment figures.
• Anyone who compares Obama to Hitler.
• The fact that N.C. construction jobs are down 18 percent.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• Dubai — for daring to fuck up production of the Sex and the City movie sequel. Bastards.
• The earnings dip at Lowe's — where is the light at the end of this tunnel?
• The U.S. Postal Service.
• Debt counseling groups that charge upfront fees
• Health insurance companies.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• Bank of America ... well just the all the crap surrounding the bank these days. It's never good to have Charlotte's biggest industry in the shitter.
• People who think that Canada's health care system sucks. Don't believe the hype about long lines and such — folks in that country are doing a lot better than us.
• Speaking of health care, you know who's really wack about now? Those blithering idiots who disrupt town hall meetings about health care. Yeah, that's a great way to help the dialogue in this country.
• The dude who was sending death threats to Beyoncé. Man, you better leave my future ex-wife alone!
• More swine flu? Great. Fucking great.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• People who hoped Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't get confirmed. Hey, dry those tears haters. (Photo courtesy of Newscom)
• John Edwards' campaign payoff probe.
• Folks who think "Cash for Clunkers" is a bad idea.
• Ann Coulter — well for being Ann Coulter ... and — according to — for getting ready to deliver a speech tonight titled "Taking Down Liberalism With Beauty and Brains." My question: What beauty and what brains?
• This morning's deadly hit-and-run in Catawba County.
Five people, places and things we really ain't digging today.
• Whoever doesn't think that the poster of Obama (above) circulating around the Web is racist. It might be a riff on the Joker, but it's also obviously meant to be a reverse "blackface."
• Dudes who assault sex workers from Craigslist.
• Politicians who choose not to confirm Judge Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Justice because she's supposedly a racist or an "activist judge." Her judicial record suggests she's a moderate if anything.
• The fact that blood in N.C. is drying up.
• The sick nut who's stalking Miley Cyrus.