Cheris Hodges

Monday, October 10, 2011

How will Charlotte become a fit city with 30 Bojangles'?

Posted By on Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:26 AM

Charlotte is fat. That's right, fat, not PHAT (pretty hot and tempting) either.

A few years ago, the city and the Mecklenburg County was all about fit city.

Its basic mission was to try to make people walk five miles a week and eat five fruits and vegetables a day. The idea is to get as many people moving and eating healthy so that the city's medical bills start going down instead of up.


Recently, the Charlotte Observer announced the opening of the city's 30th Bojangles' restaurant. Do we really need 30 fried chicken joints? Really?

What happened to the fresh fruits and veggies that the city was trying to promote? What happened to the exercise? After eating a two-piece meal from Bojangles', the last thing anyone wants to do is head out to the greenway for long walk.

Bojangles' is back in aggressive growth mode. The chain was sold to Boston-based private equity firm Advent International earlier this year. It had been owned by Falfurrias Capital, which was founded by former Bank of America chief Hugh McColl, Jr. and chief financial officer Marc Oken.

Thirty big yellow Bojangles' restaurants is just 20 too many in Charlotte.

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