Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton vouches for the authenticity of the (Facebook) posting in which Palin casts herself as someone who has been misunderstood:“How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make.”
How sad that we misunderstand? What is she talking about?
How about this: How sad that you fail to understand, Sarah Palin.
The citizens of the U.S., most of them at least, are not as dumb as you think. You seem to be under the false impression that if you rattle off enough key words we won't notice that you're just jibber jabbering. Sorry to break it to you, governor: We notice.
Listen, Sarah. Go hole up in the Wasilla library. Spend some time reading history, geography and civics books.
When you're done there, head right over to the town shrink. You've got issues. Deal with them in the privacy of a psychiatrist's office, not on camera. You're not misunderstood. Your doctor, and perhaps a few meds, will help you realize that.
In fact, we see right through you. You're a power hungry bitch who isn't getting her way, so you're pasting on a fake smile right before dashing off to fulfill your "higher calling."
We get it. Now, run away damaged star. Lick your wounds and get your head straight. And, for goodness sake, stay the hell away from the media (and off of Facebook and Twitter). We'll stop covering you as soon as you stop making an ass out of yourself.
Sarah's greatest (misunderstood) hits:
Further reading: Palin's lawyer threatens to sue the media
An e-mail from the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence is asking for people call their state representative about cuts that are expected to be made to the programs designed to help protect victims of domestic violence.
The House still has not finalized recommendations for the budget so there is still time to contact House members TODAY! Please ask the House members listed below to restore the cuts that the Senate made to domestic violence funding. Thank you!UPDATE: Your calls and e-mails are working! The House is under pressure to START with the cuts included in the Senate Budget which is a 6.4% cut to the domestic violence grants (as originally included in last year’s budget before cuts). However, they have expressed concerns about cutting our line item because of your calls. We expect a final recommendation from the General Government sub-committee today or tomorrow.
It is not too late to contact the members listed in this e-mail. Please keep up the pressure NOT TO CUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STATE GRANT FUNDING! We need to maintain last year’s funding level (before cuts) as included in Governor Perdue’s budget. Thank you for your help!
The Senate budget proposes devastating cuts to domestic violence programs by reducing all grants administered by the Council for Women/DV Commission by 6.4% (from the original amount in last year’s budget). At a time when the demand for services is steadily increasing due to the economic downtown, we cannot afford to make these cuts.
The House members are in the process of preparing their budget. We must contact key members of the House and ask them to restore these cuts so that essential services can be provided to domestic violence victims and their children.
Please contact the Chairs of the Appropriations Committee and the members of the General Government sub-committee (list below) and ask them to restore funding to domestic violence programs in the House budget. Let them know how cuts in funding will affect your program.
Talking Points
Approximately 90 local domestic violence programs in the state provide crisis intervention services for all 100 counties, including emergency shelter, crisis counseling, court advocacy and support groups.
At least 576 women, children, and men have been murdered as a result of domestic violence in NC from January 1, 2002 – April 19, 2009, according to information collected by NCCADV.
Attorney General Roy Cooper released a report in March 2009 stating that 131 domestic violence related homicides were committed in calendar year 2008.
In FY 2007, local domestic violence programs served over 41,000 victims and responded to over 101,000 crisis line calls, according to the Council for Women/ Domestic Violence Commission.
The demand for services increases during an economic downturn. As financial stress increases for families, violence in the home often escalates.
Children who witness violence in the home are much more likely to continue the cycle of violence in the next generation.
Nationally, the cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $5.8 billion each year. Investing in services saves money.
Investing in critical life-saving services is a smart choice for North Carolina because this will not only save lives, but will also save money.
House Appropriations Chairs (click on name for contact information):
Senior Chairman Rep. Michaux
Chairman Rep. M. Alexander
Chairman Rep. Crawford
Chairman Rep. Haire
Chairman Rep. Jeffus
Chairman Rep. Tolson
Chairman Rep. Yongue
General Government Appropriations Committee (click on name for contact information):
Chairman Rep. Fisher
Chairman Rep. Underhill
Vice Chairman Rep. Steen
Vice Chairman Rep. Tucker
Members Rep. Brown , Rep. Cleveland, Rep. E. Floyd, Rep. Mills, Rep. Whilden
Well, 24 hours and around 183 posts later, Creative Loafing's first 24-Hour Blog-o-thon is over.
If you missed anything, follow this link and check out the tons of stuff we posted: 24 Blog-o-thon Archive
To all things, an ending ...
Here's another interesting post I found in the personals section on Craigslist:
No Time For Beating Around The Bush - 49
Reply to: pers-603312717@craigslist.orgDate: 2008-03-11, 9:26PM EDTI want to meet a good man who goes to church is not afraid to go to church with me for fear of who he may see and who knows him. Need a man who believes in God...REALLY believes in God, can be monogomous, wants a long term relationship (eventually that is) with the potential of moving in and sharing my home (your own bedroom and bathroom of course until we see how serious we want to get and someone who can pay 1/2 the household bills...not any of my personal bills, but 1/2 of the household bills, but if he believes in chivalry, then he'd pay more than 1/2 the household bills without me having to ask. I need someone who knows about chivalry and keeping his word and making his woman feel important and safe. Is that you? If so, please respond. Your picture gets mine. No picture, no response from me. Race doesn't matter. Size doesn't matter. Heart matters a great deal. Must be at least 35 years old.
Whenever I go to my parents' house, I take the opportunity to get in some good cable TV viewing — since my own lack of cable leaves me with only two channels.
But tell me why Larry King is interviewing Tori Spelling. Is this what I've been missing?
— Kimberly Lawson
Yes, more ads! And this guy is deep. Lookee here:
Balance of Things
The laws under which we live are designed solely for our advantage. These laws are immutable and we cannot escape from their operation.
All the great eternal forces act in solemn silence, but it is in our power to place ourselves in harmony with them and thus express a life of comparative peace and happiness.
Difficulties, inharmonies, and obstacles indicate that we are either refusing to give out what we no longer need or refusing to accept what we require.
Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new, of the good for the better; it is a conditional or reciprocal action, for each of us is a complete entity and this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give.
We cannot obtain what we lack if we tenaciously cling to what we have. We are able to consciously control our conditions as we come to sense the purpose of what we attract, and are able to extract from each experience only what we require for our further growth. Our ability to do this determines the degree of harmony or happiness we attain.
The ability to appropriate what we require for our growth continually increases as we reach higher planes and broader visions, and the greater our ability to know what we require, the more certain we shall be to discern its presence, to attract it, and to absorb it. Nothing may reach us except what is necessary for our growth.
All conditions and experiences that come to us do so for our benefit. Difficulties and obstacles will continue to come until we absorb their wisdom and gather from them the essentials of further growth.
That we reap what we sow is mathematically exact. We gain permanent strength exactly to the extent of the effort required to overcome difficulties.
And he adds:
I can quote all the lines from Peaceful Warrior
What is your favorite slang expression? Word
Snapped at the Bankers Raw Bar & Billiards. Photo by Jasiatic.
Isn't it funny how people often choose the easy way out of an uncomfortable situation now that technology has consumed the world?
E-mail and texting, although both great ways of communication, can become bitch-ish ways to handle certain situations.
For example, my Marine ex of many moons ago initially broke up with me via an e-mail. Coward. That's why he's twice-divorced now. Because he didn't man up and talk to me.
Moral of the story? When handling an uncomfortable situation, please do not choose a cowardly method of dealing just because it's easier on you. That's just fucked up.
— Kimberly Lawson
I think the Blog-o-thon has been reduced to me just posting weird personal ads. But who cares. I'm exhausted ... and I love these damn ads. Check out whatsarahsaid. I actually want to date her myself! Call me.
I'm Sarah, and I'm 21 years old. Currently a Senior at UNC Charlotte with a double major in Communications:Mass Media and French, Minor in Women's Studies. But that really means nothing because my passion is to go to culinary school and study Baking and Pastry.
I'm a big nerd with tattoos. If either of those put you off, don't bother.
I like good food, good drink, watching movies, reading books, going to shows, anything authentic.
I keep it real, kick it old school, and cuddle too.