Listen Up: Phillip Gripper, a Thrasher on his Drums and his Rollerblades, Stops by 'Local Vibes'

Episode 11

by and


Episode 11 gets off to a bit of a dark start, but it brightens up a bit as Phillip Gripper of Modern Primitives and Space Wizard discusses his work between the drums and the keyboard, as well as how his love for rollerblading and the upcoming opening of his skate/blade/bike/whatever park Oso, which he aims to make a space for progress in the community.

As always, don't forget to check out our iTunes page to catch up on all the old episodes. They're all good, believe us.

On a technical note, we are aware that we sort of make it sound like we're going to play you out with a full version of Modern Primitives' "Lay With the Dead," but due to shitty sound levels (Ryan must have hit the fader), we cut that so we don't damage anyone's ears. But here's the video: