Ryan Pitkin
Protesters sweep coal under Gov. McCrory's rug outside of the Westin on Thursday afternoon.
Trump supporters were met with a relatively tame group of protesters outside of his Charlotte appearances yesterday. A group of protesters, a mixture of environmentalist organizers with Greenpeace and the Durham-based NC United Front Against Racism and Fascism, gathered in front of The Westin, where Trump was enjoying a fundraiser dinner with state leaders like Gov. Pat McCrory, Sen. Thom Thillis and Sen. Richard Burr. The protesters, some of which wearing hazmat suits, poured out buckets of coal on the sidewalk in front of the hotel, then swept it under the rugs, symbolizing McCrory's continuous cover-ups regarding coal ash and the health risks it poses.
After the coal clean-up, protesters marched next door to the Charlotte Convention Center, where Trump was scheduled to speak at 7:30 p.m. A small group of protesters gathered at the entrance and chanted slogans like "Black Lives Matter" and "Let's be clear, immigrants are welcome here" for an hour or so, with not much engagement coming from Trump supporters. The group disbanded before Trump's speech with promises of meeting Trump supporters to protest his policies at any appearance he makes in Charlotte.
The following photos were taken at The Westin and Charlotte Convention Center between 4:30 and about 6:30 p.m.