Who do you hate more: women, minorities, or homosexuals? #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— Liz Stewart (@LizStewartComed) August 6, 2015
How many black friends do you have that are not named Ben Carson or Herman Cain? #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— Dean Obeidallah (@Deanofcomedy) August 6, 2015
Since you plan on regulating women's reproductive rights, what's your plan to regulate men's? It takes two. #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— ~Alex~ (@YourYakiri) August 6, 2015
#DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear Global Warming is a hoax. What will you do to stop immigration by Polar Bears who claim their ice is gone?
— John (@linnyitssn) August 6, 2015
#DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear Was doing nothing the right response to the Sandy Hook school shooting that killed 20 children?
— JRehling (@JRehling) August 6, 2015
Which billionaires are sponsoring you, and how do you plan on paying them back? #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— Mormon Democrats (@MormonDems) August 6, 2015
Can any candidate recite any other amendment to the Constitution besides the second? #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— MATTY ICE (@MattyIceAZ) August 6, 2015
What's an acceptable number of mass shootings per year? #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear
— PoliticalGroove (@PoliticalGroove) August 6, 2015
#DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear If guns belong everywhere, why weren't they allowed into this studio tonight?
— AverageChirps (@AverageChirps) August 6, 2015
#DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear: Why not take all the millions you would've spent on campaigning, and solve poverty in one fell swoop?
— Nick Simmons (@NickTypesWords) August 6, 2015