Where to go in Charlotte for Free Comic Book Day



Since we’re all about the idea of free fun, we’ve compiled a list of local comic book stores participating in the upcoming Free Comic Book Day event this Saturday. For those not in the fold, FCBD is a national event where comic book stores give swag bags of child and adult friendly comics to anyone who walks through their doors.

This year is particularly exciting due to DC’s Divergence and Marvel’s Secret Wars featuring large tie-ins for their FCBD titles.

Divergence #0 has some big changes for the Batman universe. We’ll keep it at that to avoid spoilers, but it’s definitely worth a perusal. Marvel will have two titles, Secret Wars #0 and All-New, All-Different Avengers. Secret Wars #0 is the prologue for the upcoming storyline, which will rearrange the current cast of characters and the worlds they inhabit. All-New, All-Different Avengers will feature a younger and much more diverse line up of heroes set to emerge after the fall out from Secret Wars.

Other FCBD titles include Bob’s Burgers, Spongebob Squarepants, The Simpsons, Fight Club, Doctor Who, and the reboot kick off for Captain Canuck (Just a heads up: Writer Richard Comely will be visiting shops around Charlotte, including Heroes Aren't Hard To Find and Rebel Base, throughout the day.)

2nd & Charles In early preparation for May the Fourth, everyone’s favorite Wookie Chewbacca will be in the store for pictures and special Star Wars stock will be on sale. 5331 South Blvd. 704-523-2217. www.2ndandcharles.com.

G2K Games G2K will host a Cosplay Contest as well as featuring 15 percent off on trades, graphic novels and manga and 25 percent off select back stock issues. 4811 Old York Road, Rock Hill. 803-329-4263.

Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find Heroes is the creator signing headquarters, cornering the market with eight creators and artists who will make appearances during the day. Local painter John Hairston Jr., and Jason Latour, writer for Spider-Gwen and artist of Southern Bastards. More creator signings (1 p.m. - 5 p.m.): Bridgit Connell (Brother Nash), Joey Ellis (Leaky Timbers), Sanford Greene (Rotten Apple, Runaways, Deadpool, Wonder Girl, Methodman), Hoyt Silva (Quatermain: Ghosts of the Nzadi ), Brian Stelfreeze (Day Men, Domino, Matador, Batman: Shadow of the Bat), Rian Sygh (Regular Show, Stolen Forest, Munchkin, Teen Dog) and Chris Visions (Dead Letters). 1957 E. 7th St. 704-375-7462. www.heroesonline.com.

Parker, Banner, Kent & Wayne Along with their FCBD goodie bags, PBK&W will host Ed Eargle (inker for comics from Arkana, DC, Image and Zenescope) and Rob Retiano (freelance illustrator) who will be doing sketches throughout the day. 21500 Catawba Ave., Cornelius. 704-892-4263. www.pbkwcomics.com.

Rebel Base Comics & Toys Known for their love of all things Star Wars related, Rebel Base will host members of the Imperial 501st Stormtrooper Legion. There will also be appearances from actors Kent Wagner, Mike Mundy and Amber Dawn of The Walking Dead, and a replica KITT car from Knight Rider will be on display. Local artist Wolly McNair be providing sketches throughout the day. Most items in the store will be on sale, including 25 percent off toys, 50 percent off backstock issues, 30 percent off select new comics and trades, 25 percent off Pokemon cards and more. 701 S. Sharon Amity Road. 704-442-9660. www.rebelbasecomics.com.

Spandex City Comics With a scavenger hunt and bounce boot camp Spandex City is all about the family-fun interaction. The Imperial 501st Stormtrooper Legion will be on hand to "arrest" folks for a small donation to the Make-a-Wish foundation. Freelance illustrator Tony Scott will also onsite providing sketches. 2914-A Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road. 704-909-7168. www.spandexcity.com.

Below is a list of additional stores participating in Free Comic Book Day without any additional events.

A. Pennyworth’s Comics, News & Collectibles, 11025 Monroe Road, Matthews. 704-849-2287. www.apennyworthscomics.com.

Comic Monstore, 813 Jake Alexander Blvd., Salisbury. 704-636-0049. www.comicmonstore.com.

Dave’s Comics, 206 Main St., Fort Mill. 803-547-3995. www.davescomicsonline.com.

Grand Slam Collectibles, 952 Mt. Gallant Road, Rock Hill. 803-327-4414.

If Free Comic Book Day isn’t enough to satisfy your nerdy side, check out the Charlotte Mini-Convention at the Crowne Plaza Executive Park Hotel (5700 Westpark Drive) on Sunday.