First Drip (11/25/14): DOJ won't close Ferguson case despite lack of indictments, more



The Obama administration will continue investigating the death of black teenager Michael Brown, attorney general Eric Holder said in a statement late Monday. The statement followed news earlier in the evening that a grand jury would not indict police officer Darren Wilson in Brown's death. At least 29 people were arrested in protests overnight.

A team of 17 investigators is in charge of making sure employees in North Carolina are paid what they are due, but in the past five years, the North Carolina Department of Labor has filed lawsuits against only four companies to recoup wages owed to workers. The agency is charged with ensuring that they toil in safe environments and holding employers who fall short to account.

North Carolina has taken measures since the 1970s to control the top water contaminant in the state, the dirt that pours into rivers and lakes from human activity. But a review of state records reveals sharp drop-off in enforcement over the past five years and a series of warnings to lawmakers that have gone unheeded.

The self-titled activist group Anonymous took credit for shutting down the city of Cleveland's website after a city police officer shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice, whom police believed to be armed.