First Drip (9/26/14): Hornets player charged with domestic assault, Jong Un missing, more



Yet another pro athlete has been charged with domestic assault. Charlotte Hornets player Jeff Taylor was charged in Michigan, where he was arraigned, and was released from jail on $5,000 bond. The Hornets quickly issued a statement saying they were looking into the matter.

Though the risk for contamination is very low, hospitals in Raleigh are screening patients who spent time in West Africa for Ebola. Similarly, hospitals are training staff to handle the disease if a patient turns up positive.

Intelligence agents think they know the identity of the Islamic militant who beheaded two freelance journalist, but British and American agencies are withholding his name until their search for him is over. "Intelligence agencies have used voice-recognition technology, overhead imagery and records of Western fighters who are believed to have joined the group in the effort to identify the killer, who first appeared in a video a month ago showing the beheading of James Foley. A second gruesome video, showing the death of Steven J. Sotloff, was released about two weeks later. Both men were freelance journalists."

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un - Jong Il's kid - hasn't been seen in public for three weeks, and even skipped out on a meeting he's attended every year since taking over. Citing his weight and a limp, some observers suggest that perhaps his health is in trouble.
