First Drip (9/24/14): CMS 'busting at the seams,' Colorado school board protested, more


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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools says it is "busting at the seams" after student growth has far exceeded projections, in part due to the surprising unpopularity of charter schools. The population grew about 2 percent from last year, which could also signal a growing economy. Either way, classes are too big and the district doesn't have enough money.

More than 10,000 people have recently signed up for Section 8 housing - or the "Housing Choice Voucher - after the list opened for the first time in seven years. All applicants must be low income and make 30 percent of their area's average income.

Students in Jefferson County, Colorado, are protesting their school board after some members proposed to do away with teachings that "would encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law" in favor of curriculum that promotes patriotism, respect for authority and the free-market system. (Join the debate at #JeffcoSchoolBoardHistory.)

More unrest in Ferguson ensued last night after a memorial to Michael Brown burned (firefighters said the area had a strong gasoline odor). At least two protesters were arrested, and the blaze damaged some nearby structures.

In case you're thinking about getting a chimp as a pet, don't. But do consider dying at 75.