First Drip (9/4/14): Writebol speaks about her battle with Ebola, cuts at W.H.O. affect fight against disease, more



Nancy Writebol, the Charlotte missionary who battled Ebola after helping patients in Liberia, spoke before cameras yesterday about the ordeal, saying there were days she thought she wasn't going to make it. Also on Wednesday, the organization Writebol served announced a third American, a doctor, had contracted the disease.

U.S. Senate hopefuls Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis stuck to their usual talking points during their first debate yesterday. Tillis wasted no time tying Hagan to President Obama, and Hagan quickly brought up Tillis' hand in "failed policies" that have affected North Carolina. (Sounds like watching one of their commercials would have been more interesting and less time consuming.)

Budget cuts at the World Health Organization have affected its ability to treat the Ebola outbreak. "The W.H.O., the United Nations agency assigned in its constitution to direct international health efforts, tackle epidemics and help in emergencies, has been badly weakened by budget cuts in recent years, hobbling its ability to respond in parts of the world that need it most. Its outbreak and emergency response units have been slashed, veterans who led previous fights against Ebola and other diseases have left, and scores of positions have been eliminated — precisely the kind of people and efforts that might have helped blunt the outbreak in West Africa before it ballooned into the worst Ebola epidemic ever recorded."

As ISIS becomes a more realistic threat, Republicans seem to have abandoned the anti-interventionist rhetoric they had adopted as of late.

Apparently the Milky Way has neighborhoods.