After the request of Carolina Panther Greg Hardy's accuser for a restraining order was dismissed yesterday - Nicole Holder, who said he assaulted her, failed to show up in court - Hardy was ordered to surrender all of his firearms. New court documents filed in the case drop the name of rapper Nelly, whom the victim says she dated for a brief time. "Holder said she and Hardy were trying to reconcile, but that Holder's 'short-lived relationship' with Nelly during their breakup was a continuing source of friction. Holder said Hardy 'often becomes suddenly very angry.'"
Charlotte makes yet another list - the United States Postal Service ranks the Queen City 17th in the nation where a postal worker is most likely to be attacked by a dog. That's, uh, rough.
Having trouble keeping up with payments on your medical bills? Well, this isn't going to help. The Obama administration is now allowing insurance companies and employers to put a hard dollar limit on how much they'll pay for procedures. The new "cost-control strategy," or reference pricing, could mean paying more out of pocket, especially if you choose a more expensive hospital to get a procedure. "Say the limit is $30,000. The plan offers you a choice of hospitals within its provider network. If you pick one that charges $40,000, you would owe $10,000 to the hospital plus your regular cost-sharing for the $30,000 that your plan covers. The extra $10,000 is treated like an out-of-network expense, and it doesn't count toward your plan's annual limit on out-of-pocket costs."
In a testament that Japan is always on the cutting edge of, well, everything: A Japanese beverage company announced plans to send its sports drink, Pocari Sweat, to the moon - albeit in powder form. "Once there, the can won't just become an additional item of space junk littering the moon, its mission will continue. Citing evidence from Nasa-funded scientists that water may exist below the moon's surface, Otsuka hopes that astronauts will one day open the can and use local water to create Pocari Sweat from the powder."