Weekender, Feb. 10-12



Check out these events going down in Charlotte and the surrounding area this weekend— as selected by the folks at Creative Loafing.

Friday, Feb. 10
The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told
Duke Energy Theatre
It's not the first time the feathers of local area bigots have been ruffled because of the mingling of religious and homosexual material on stage. This time around, local Catholics, among others, hosted a prayer vigil outside of Duke Energy Theatre last week to protest performances of playwright Paul Rudnick's The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told. The play shares the Bible's creation story in a flamboyantly gay perspective — and what better local theater group to do so than Queen City Theatre Company. Adam and Eve have been replaced with Adam and Steve, while Cain and Abel take a more feminine turn as Jane and Mabel. Together, these comical characters must learn how to deal with bodily functions, temptations and their creator — all while surviving a flood, slavery in Egypt and life in modern-day New York.

Comedy Nikki Glaser is tired of having to explain that she's single, not gay. A semi-finalst of Last Comic Standing (season four), Glaser talks freely about whatever she feels like. This includes her experiences with dating, sexual assault and farting, among other randomness. More...

Music Composer John Williams has a knack for writing memorable music. This is why he's been commissioned to write scores for cinematic gems like Star Wars, E.T., Hook, Close Encounters and Schindler’s List, among others. In honor of his many works, Charlotte Symphony is devoting an entire show to his tunes. So if you come to Charlotte Symphony: A John Williams Spectacular, expect to leave humming along to something. May the force be with you. More...

Saturday, Feb. 11
6th Annual Valentease Show
Visulite Theatre
The Saturday before Valentine's Day is as good of time as any (better, in fact) to celebrate the lovey dovey holiday. After all, those in the working world know a late night Tuesday (which V-Day falls on this year) is less enticing than sleep. Right? Keeping that in mind, Visulite Theatre is the place to party this weekend, as classic vaudeville and burlesque comes in a form that's as sweet as chocolate. The 6th Annual Valentease Show is filled with a variety of burlesque performers — with titles as delicious as Cherry Muffin and Ginny Tonic — and comedians like Hannibal and Johnny Millwater. DJ Spider spins the music and Charlotte fav Big Mamma D is prepared to dazzle the crowd with her biggest moves and vocal chords.

Nightlife Forget trying to dress to impress, the Where's Waldo Bar Crawl is a time for uniform. In an attempt to break the Guinness Book of World Records, the crawl allows only Waldo/Wanda costumes. This consists of a white hat (with a red bobble and red trim), clear glasses, a red and white striped shirt, blue jeans and appropriate footwear. The crawl includes entrance to EpiCentre venues. More...

Comedy Comedian Jim Gaffigan — performing at Ovens Auditorium tonight — is critical of food. He’s not a vegetarian, thinks salad bars are absurd, and likes cake too much to waste his time on muffins (especially the mini ones). Don’t even get him started on Hot Pockets. More...

Sunday, Feb. 12
The Calm Before the Storm
The Light Factory
Artists Camille Seaman, Eric Tomberlin, Kathleen Robbins (whose piece "Bill Brown" is pictured) and Pipo Nguyen-duy have come together for a special exhibit that focuses on the relationship between man and the environment. Works were inspired by the romanticized views of landscapes in a 1975 exhibit, New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape.

Music Critically derided as the Mitt Romney of rockin’ blues — a too perfect automaton with zero soul — Robert Cray has unfairly paid the price for his Grammy-fueled mega success in the ’80s and ’90s. With his radio play days long behind him, Cray should rightly get some love for his lyrical complexity, smooth soulful vocals and fiery-but-carefully-phrased guitar that recalls the stinging telecaster of mentor Albert Collins. Maybe he’s no longer the modern blues innovator he was in his heyday, but Cray proves that smooth and virtuosic doesn’t have to mean lazy and lugubrious. Performing at Neighborhood Theatre with Shane Pruitt Band. More...

Food Restaurateur John Duncan’s Queen City Q is now open for your finger-lickin' pleasure. The menu offers hand-pulled pork, collard greens and pimento dip, along with more contemporary fixings and an assorted taco menu. More...